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日期:2022.12.25 点击:


Research team: High-performance computing (HPC) based human-environment interaction modeling Lab


团队研究方向:团队介绍:人类与环境耦合关系及变化的定量研究和模拟预测已成为未来地球科学发展的重要方向。关键科学问题是如何在满足人类发展需求的同时实现生态安全、环境清洁和资源可持续利用。主要内容是基于高性能计算发展自然变化与人类活动的相互作用过程数值模拟系统、厘清人类与自然要素间的相关关系、量化生态环境的安全阈值、衡量自然与人类系统的韧性和恢复能力,为在自然规律的制约下规范人类行为、规划社会发展、促进环境和社会经济的可持续协同发展提供科学支撑和分析工具。本团队已有工作基础包括:(1)人类与环境相互作用关系与过程表达理论框架(FOTARFields, Objects, Time, GeoAgents & Relations, IJGIS 2009);(2)在人类社会模拟方面,已基于地理智能体(GeoAgent)建立了面向知识表达的人类与环境相互作用模拟原型系统(GeoAgent-based Knowledge System);(3)在自然环境方面,已经建立了基于DNDC模型的全国与全球尺度农业生态系统碳--水生物地球化学过程模拟与粮食产量预报系统。团队成员黄逍博士通过开发 Coupler 耦合器和利用MPI 并行技术,将 DNDC 科学计算过程与参数优化、情景预测、风险分析等众多功能模块耦合,构建了大区域生态过程预测与决策支持系统 GDNDC;(4)在应用方面已经开展了全国尺度粮食生产、氮排放和水环境质量演变关系的量化研究、全国农业旱灾风险与社会经济对粮食安全的影响研究、区域洪水过程与社会经济变化对洪水灾害风险影响的定量研究、人类活动对陆海碳传输过程的影响研究等。近期团队将在加强农田生态系统碳、氮、磷、水等要素耦合模拟基础上,增加水文和水环境演变过程、养殖及排放过程、社会经济过程的微观机制和宏观趋势定量模拟;增强农业生产和水环境预报预警能力,探寻人类发展与环境保护相协调的可持续发展新路径。团队研究成果入选科技部十三五以来中国天文与地球科学前沿进展基础研究重大成果、中国科学院“2019年中国代表性科研成果、中国农科院“2020中国农业科学十大进展

Introduction: Quantitatively modeling and predicting human-environment relations (HER) and their changes are to be an important research direction in future Earth Science. The key question is how to meet the demands of human development without scarifying ecological security, polluting environment, overusing resources. Research subjects include developing HPC-based digital systems for modeling human-environment interaction processes, quantifying the relations among human and natural components, clarifying the safe-operating boundaries according to ecosystem functioning, analyzing stability and resilience of human-environment interactions, so as to guide and regulate human activities within environmental limitations, support social development planning, and facilitate sustainable development through using the scientific modeling tools. The accomplished research works of the team include: (1) The FOTAR representation framework Fields, Objects, Time, GeoAgents & Relations, IJGIS 2009for modeling human-environment interactive interactions and relations; (2) a prototype of GeoAgent-based Knowledge System for knowledge-oriented representation of human-environmental interactions; (3) a DNDC-based biogeochemical modeling system for simulating carbon, nitrogen and water processes, and predicting grain yields in agroecosystems at the national and global scales. Dr. Xiao Huang has expanded the site-level DNDC to regional decision support system GDNDC by integrating model parameter optimalization, risk analysis and scenario analysis; (4) application of such tools for quantifying the changing relations among national agricultural production, anthropological nitrogen discharges, and water quality changes, assessing agricultural drought risks and flood risks under socioeconomic changes, and human impacts on land-to-sea carbon transfer. Recent research priorities are enhancing model development of carbon-nitrogen-phosphorous-water coupling in land ecosystems; embracing hydrological, hydraulic and aquatic environment modeling; livestock and fish farming modeling; socioeconomic modeling for increasing the early warning capabilities for agricultural production and environmental changes, and exploring sustainable approaches to meet the common goals of social development and environmental protection. The team published works have been selected as one of major scientific achievements of China basic research development in Astronomy and Earth Science during the 13th Five-Year plan that issued by the Ministry of Science and Technology of P.R. China, 2022; one of China’s representative scientific achievements in 2019, issued by Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2021; and the 2020 Top Ten Progresses in China's Agricultural Science, issued by Chinese Agricultural Academy of Sciences, 2020.

团队负责人:喻朝庆教授 ([email protected]).美国宾夕法尼亚州立大学地理信息科学博士。先后在中国水利水电科学研究院、清华大学、清华海峡研究院等单位工作,现作为海南省C类高层次人才引进海南大学,任生态与环境学院教授。他的研究兴趣包括农田生态系统的碳氮过程和作物生长模拟,水资源和水环境容量定量评估、以及陆海碳氮传输过程模拟等。他的研究团队已经建立了全国和全球尺度的农田生物地球化学过程模拟系统,在国产超级计算机上实现了全球尺度农业碳氮水过程模拟和逐日粮食产量和预报。他领衔在Nature等期刊发表的研究论文首次探明了中国农业生产、氮排放和水环境质量的演化关系,量化了省级和全国尺度的氮排放安全阈值及超排量,明确了恢复水质的定量化管理目标,解决了氮排放安全阈值研究缺乏可靠的定量评估方法问题,为中国农业生产、生态恢复和环境可持续发展战略提供了科学支撑。


1)黄逍博士 ([email protected]),清华大学博士毕业,挪威生物经济研究所(NIBIO)博士后,从事生物地球化学机制模拟、模型耦合器、农田生态系统模拟预测与不确定性评估和高性能并行计算与优化等。

2)乔圣超博士(996318 @macaugalaxy.net),清华大学博士毕业,植被与土壤过程模拟,全球尺度作物生态演化及产量形成机制等。




Team Leader: Prof. Chaoqing Yu, earned his Ph.D on geographical information science from the Pennsylvania State University, and worked for China Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research (IWHR) , Tsinghua University and Cross-Strait Tsinghua Research Institute. Now he is a professor in the College of Ecology and Environment at Hainan University, introduced as a C-level talent to the Hainan Province. His research interests include modeling the biogeochemical process of carbon, nitrogen and crop growth in agroecosystems; water resource and pollution thresholds, as well as the nutrient transfer from land to sea. His research team has established the national and global scale biogeochemical modeling system to simulate daily carbon and nitrogen emissions and predict crop yield. He has published research papers in Nature and many other journals for studying  quantitative relationships among China’s nation-wide agriculture, nitrogen discharge, and water quality. They identified the safe-level thresholds and the exceeded amount of nitrogen discharge into water environment in mainland China, quantified the sustainable nitrogen-management goals of restoring water quality without scarifying food production.


Team member:

(1)   Dr. Xiao Huang, Ph.D from Tsinghua University, Postdoc from NIBIO in Norway, interested in biogeochemical modeling, model coupler development, agroecosystem prediction, uncertainty analysis, High-performance parallel computing (HPC) and optimization. 

(2)   Dr. ShengChao, Qiao, Ph.D from Tsinghua University, interested in ecological process modeling of vegetation growth and soil changes, as well as global-scale crop evolution and yield formation.


Graduate students

(1)   Ph.D student: Mr. Bolun Han

(2)   M.S. students: Mr. Xu Zhaoji, Mr. Jiangnan Wang