马荍沣 讲师
通讯地址:海南省海口市美兰区人民大道58号海南大学 澳门银河官网
研究领域:1. 河口近岸生态动力学 2. 高性能计算 (CPU & GPU)
学术论文(†: 共同第一作者;*: 通讯作者)
1. Ma Q F, Liang S X, Zhang R J, et al. Siting and evaluation of offshore mussel suspended farms through a nutritional restriction approach. Aquaculture, 2024, 578, 739989.
2. Ma Q F, Han Y K, Xi Y B, et al. Prediction study on the spatiotemporal distribution of Yesso scallop larvae based on a coupled biophysical model. Aquaculture, 2021, 539, 736598.
3. Ma Q F, Ding J, Y B, et al. An evaluation method for determining the optimal structure of artificial reefs based on their flow field effects. Frontiers in Marine Science, 2022, 9, 962821.
4. Wang Z H, Ma Q F†, Liang S X, et al. Study on the distribution and habitat suitability of seagrass in the North China Sea. Frontiers in Marine Science, 2024, 10, 1297137.
5. Ma Q F, Liang S X, Sun Z C, et al. Development and evaluation of a GPU-based coupled three-dimensional hydrodynamic and water quality model. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2023, 187, 114494.
6. Ma Q F, Liang S X, Sun Z C, et al. A high-precision hydrodynamic model coupled with the hydrological habitat suitability model to reveal estuarine vegetation distribution. Journal of Hydrodynamics, 2022, 34(3), 451-465.
7. Hou W H, Liang S X, Ma Q F, et al. Ecological characteristics of a typical coastal artificial shoreline considering the key drivers involved. Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science. 2022, 277, 108069.
8. Hou W H, Liang S X, Sun Z C, Ma Q F, et al.. Depositional dynamics and vegetation succession in self-organizing processes of deltaic marshes. Science of the Total Environment. 2024, 912, 169402.