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    08 2023.03
日期:2023.03.08 点击:


性别: 出生年月:1972.06

学位: 博士职称: 教授




E-mail: [email protected]


Ÿ 2005,博士,地理信息科学,美国宾夕法尼亚州立大学地理系

Ÿ 2005Ph.D, Geographical Information Science, Pennsylvania State University, Geography Department

Ÿ 2001,硕士,地理信息系统,美国肯特州立大学地理系

Ÿ 2001, M.A., Geographical Information System, Kent State University, Geography Department

Ÿ 1997,硕士,自然地理,中国科学院自然资源综合考察委员会

Ÿ 1997, MS. Physical Geography, Natural Resources Comprehensive Investigation Committee of the Chinese Academy of Sciences

Ÿ 1994,学士,自然地理,西南师范大学(现西南大学)地理系

Ÿ 1994, B.S., Physical Geography, Southwest Normal University (now Southwest University), Geography Department


Ÿ 2022-今,海南大学生态与环境学院,教授

Ÿ 2022-presentProfessorCollege of Ecology and EnvironmentHainan UniversityChina

Ÿ 2018-2021,清华海峡研究院与清华大学地学系联合实验室AI for Earth Lab首席科学家

Ÿ 2018-2021Chief Scientist, the AI for Earth Lab joint by Tsinghua DESS and Tsinghua Strait Research Institute, China

Ÿ 2011-2018,清华大学地球系统科学系,副教授,系工会主席,系教代会组长

Ÿ 2011-2018Associate Professor, Depart of Earth System Science (DESS), Tsinghua University

Ÿ 2006-2011,中国水科院防洪抗旱研究中心,高级工程师

Ÿ 2006-2011The Flood Control and Drought Relief Center, IWHR, China

Ÿ 2005-2006,美国马里兰大学(Maryland University)博士后

Ÿ 2005-2006Postdoc, University of Maryland

Ÿ 1997-1998,助理工程师,国家环境保护总局(现生态环境部)信息中心

Ÿ 1997-1998Assistant Engineer, the State Environmental Protection Agency (now the Ministry of Ecology and Environment


Ÿ 国家发改委,国家重大科学专装置,2018-877,地球系统数字模拟装置,2018.0-2022.06,总经费125521万元。区域高精度模拟系统-中国和全球主要农产区粮食作物旱灾模拟分系统建设,主持人,经费 897.8万元。

Ÿ 科技部,国家重点研发计划,2017YFA0603602,全球变化驱动下陆表自然和人文要素相互作用及区域表现,总经费2282万元2017.10-2022.10。本人为第二课题人文要素变化及与自然要素的空间叠加效应,科研骨干,到账经费96万元。

Ÿ 科技部,973项目,2013CB956600,碳循环关键过程及其与气候系统耦合的研究,2013-2017.12,总经费2400万元。本人为第一课题陆海间碳循环关键生物地球化学过程及机理研究,科研骨干,到账经费130万元,已结题。

Ÿ 美国国家地理,外资项目,GEFC15-15Air Water Agriculture Systems AWAS in the Tengger Desert: a water-carbon coupling experiment2015.08-2016.08. 项目负责到账经费19万元,已结题。

Ÿ 国家自然科学基金,面上项目,41371491,气候、水资源与粮食重心北移对中国北方粮食干旱风险影响的定量评估,2014.01-2017.12,项目负责人,到账经费60万元,已结题。

Ÿ 环境保护部,公益项目,201309062,国家环境质量模型法规化与标准化研究,2013.01-2016.12,项目总经费450万元。本人负责第六课题法规模型在总量控制中的应用,到账经费47万元,已结题。


1. 代表性成果

Ÿ 十三五以来中国天文与地球科学前沿进展基础研究重大成果(中国科学技术部);

Ÿ “2019年中国代表性科研成果(中国科学院);

Ÿ “2020中国农业科学十大进展(中国农业科学院)

2. 代表性学术论文

Ÿ Chaoqing Yu, Xiao Huang, Han Chen, H. Charles J. Godfray, Jonathon S. Wright, Jim Hall, Peng Gong, Shaoqiang Ni, Shengchao Qiao, Guorui Huang, Yuchen Xiao, Jie Zhang, Zhao Feng, Xiaotang Ju, Philippe Ciais, Nils Chr. Stenseth, Dag O. Hessen, Zhanli Sun, Le Yu, Wenjia Cai, Haohuan Fu, Xiaomeng Huang, Chi Zhang, Hongbin Liu, James Taylor. 2019. Managing nitrogen to restore water quality in China. Nature. 567(7749):516-520.

Ÿ 喻朝庆. 2019. -氮耦合机制下的中国粮食与环境安全. 中国科学: 地球科学, 49(12 ): 2018-2036, doi: 10.1360/SSTe-2019-0041Yu Chaoqing. 2019. The coupled effects of water and nitrogen on China’s food and environmental securities (in Chinese). Scientia Sinica Terrae, doi:10.1360/SSTe-2019-004

Ÿ Chaoqing Yu, Xiao Huang, Han Chen, Guorui Huang, Shaoqiang Ni, Jonathon S. Wright, Jim Hall, Philippe Ciais, Jie Zhang, Yuchen Xiao, Le Yu, and Changsheng Li, 2018. Assessing the impacts of extreme agricultural droughts under climate and socioeconomic changes: a case study in China. Earth’s Future, 6. //doi.org/10.1002/2017EF000768.

Ÿ Shaoqiang Ni Xiao Huang, Weixiu Gan, Conrad Zorn, Yuchen Xiao, Guorui Huang, Chaoqing Yu, Jifu Cao, Jie Zhang, ZhaoFeng, Le Yu, Guanghui Lin, Hanna Silvennoinen, 2019, Coupled modelling and sampling approaches to assess the impacts of human water management on land-sea carbon transfer. Science of the Total Environment. //doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.134735

Ÿ Xiao Huang, Chaoqing Yu, Jiarui Fang, Guorui Huanga,Shaoqiang Ni, Jim Hall, Conrad Zorn, Xiaomeng Huang,Wenyuan Zhang. 2018. A dynamic agricultural prediction system for large-scale drought assessment on the Sunway TaihuLight supercomputer. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture. 154:400-410.

Ÿ Chaoqing Yu, Yuchen Xiao, Shaoqiang Ni. 2017. The changing patterns of urban-rural nutrient flows in China: The driving forces and options. Science Bulletin. 62:83-91

Ÿ Chen H, Yu C.Q. , Li C, Xin Q, Huang X, Zhang J, Yue Y, Huang G, Li X, Wang W. 2016. Modeling the impacts of water and fertilizer management on the ecosystem service of rice rotated cropping systems in China. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 219: 49-57.

Ÿ Watts N, Adger WN, Agnolucci P, Blackstock J, Byass P, Cai W, Chaytor S, Colbourn T, Collins M, Cooper A, Cox PM, Depledge J,Drummond P, Ekins P, Galaz V, Grace D, Graham H, Grubb M, Haines A, Hamilton I, Hunter A, Jiang X, Li M, Kelman I, Liang L, Lott M, Lowe R, Luo Y, Mace G, Maslin M, Nilsson M, Oreszczyn T, Pye S, Quinn T, Svensdotter M, Venevsky S, Warner K, Xu B6, Yang J, Yin Y, Yu C.Q., Zhang Q, Gong P, Montgomery H, Costello A. 2015. Health and climate change: policy responses to protect public health, the Lancet. 386:1861-1914

Ÿ Yu, C.Q. , Li, C.S., Xin, Q.C., Chen H., Zhang J., Zhang F., Li X.C., Clinton N., Gong P., 2014. Dynamic Assessment of Drought Impacts on Yields and Scale-dependent Return Periods over Large Geographic Regions. Environmental Modelling & Software. 62: 454-464.

Ÿ Yu, C.Q. , Cheng, X.T., Hall, J., Evans, E.P., et al. 2012, A GIS-supported impact assessment of the hierarchical flood-defense systems on the plain areas of the Taihu Basin, China, International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 2012, 26, (4), 643–665

Ÿ Yu, C.Q. . 2011, China’s Water Crisis Needs More Than Words, Nature, 470(Feb.17, 2011), pp.307.

Ÿ Yu, Chaoqing, Alan M. MacEachren, Donna J. Peuquet, and Brent Yarnal, 2009. Integrating Scientific Modeling with a GeoAgent-based Representation of Human-environment Interactions for Supporting Dynamic Hazard Management: a Drought Example in Pennsylvania, USA. Environmental Modeling & Software. V24(2009), p1501-1512

Ÿ Yu, Chaoqing, Donna J. Peuquet, 2009. A GeoAgent-based Framework for Knowledge-oriented Representation: Embracing Social Rules in GIS, International Journal of Geographic Information Science. V23(7): 923-960

3. 研究生培养(已毕业)

Ÿ 岳亚利,硕士学位,基于遥感监测的云南针叶林干旱死亡驱动因子探讨,清华大学地球系统科学系,201606

Ÿ Yue Yali, M.S., Understanding the Drivers of Drought-Induced Conifer Mortality in Yunnan Province Based on Satillite Remote Sensing, Department of Earth System Science, Tsinghua University, June 2016

Ÿ 陈晗,博士学位,基于过程模型的中国农田可持续管理方案研究,清华大学地球系统科学系,201706

Ÿ Han Chen, Ph.D. The study of sustainable agricultural management practices in China based on a process model, Department of Earth System Science, Tsinghua University, June 2017

Ÿ 张杰,博士学位,多尺度农田生态系统磷循环的动态模拟研究,清华大学地球系统科学系,201806

Ÿ Jie Zhang, Ph.D. Dynaminc Modelling of the Multi-scalePhosphorus Cycle in Agro-ecosystem, Department of Earth System Science, Tsinghua University, August 2018

Ÿ 黄逍,大区域作物产量模拟不确定性分析及高性能加速研究,博士学位,清华大学地球系统科学系,201806

Ÿ Xiao Huang, Ph.D. Uncertainty Analysis and High Performance Acceleration of Crop Yield Modelling in Large Scale, Department of Earth System Science, Tsinghua University, August 2018

Ÿ 肖雨晨,南苏丹粮食援助需求及可持续集约农业发展潜力评估,硕士学位,清华大学地球系统科学系,201806

Ÿ Yuchen Xiao, M.S., Assessing the Demand of Food Aid and the Potential for Sustainable Agricultural Intensification in South Sudan, Department of Earth System Science, Tsinghua University, June 2018

Ÿ 冯钊,黑龙江粮食生产的限制因素与增长潜力研究,硕士学位,清华大学地球系统科学系,201906

Ÿ Zhao Feng, M.S., Restrictive Factors and Growth Potential of Grain Production in Heilongjiang Agro-system, June 2019

Ÿ 黄国瑞,中国耕地与水资源对合理膳食的可持续自给能力研究,博士学位,清华大学地球系统科学系,202006

Ÿ Guorui Huang, Ph.D. The study on sustainable food self-sufficiency of healthier diet constrained by agricultural land and water resources in China, Department of Earth System Science, Tsinghua University, June 2020