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主讲课程:《自然地理学》 《行为生态学》 《全球气候变化与生态可持续发展》
2022.03 至今 海南大学 生态与环境学院 讲师
2015.09 - 2022.01 东北师范大学 自然地理学 理学博士
2019.02 - 2021.09 瑞士联邦森林、雪和景观研究所WSL 植物生理学 联合培养
2011.09 - 2015.07 哈尔滨师范大学 资源勘查 工学学士
担任 Frontiers in Earth Science审稿人
瑞士联邦森林、雪和景观研究所,创新基金项目,“Tree infusion – technological innovation and its implications in plant science”,2021.01-2022.12,参与
[1] Yue Yang, Shengnan Ouyang, Arthur Gessler, Xiaoyu Wang, Risu Na, Hong S He, Zhengfang Wu, Mai-He Li*. Root carbon resources determine survival and growth of young trees under long drought in combination with fertilization. Frontiers in plant science. 2022, 13:929855.
[2] Yue Yang#, Ao Wang#, Paolo Cherubini, Norbert Kräuchi, Yanyan Ni, Zhengfang Wu, Hongshi He, Mai-He Li *, Marcus Schaub. Physiological and growth responses to defoliation of older needles in Abies alba trees grown under two light regimes. Forest Ecology and Management. 2021, 484: 118947.
[3] Yue Yang, Zhengfang Wu*, Liang Guo, Hong S. He, Yuheng Ling, Lei Wang, Shengwei Zong, Risu Na, Haibo Du, Mai-He Li. Effects of winter chilling vs. spring forcing on the spring phenology of trees in a cold region and a warmer reference region. Science of The Total Environment. 2020, 725: 138323.
[4] Yue Yang, Zhengfang Wu*, Hong S. He, Haibo Du, Lei Wang, Xiangyu Guo, Zhao Weihong. Differences of the changes in soil temperature of cold and mid-temperate zones, Northeast China. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 2018, 134 (1-2): 633-643.
[5] Zhang YanLi#, Yang Yue#, Saurer M, Schaub M, Gessler A, Lehmann MM, Rigling A, Walser M, Stierli B, Hajjar N, Christen D, Li MH. Sugar infusion into trees: A novel method to study tree carbon relations and its regulations. Frontiers in plant science. 2023 Feb 23; 14:1142595.
[6] Decai Gao, Edith Bai*, Yue Yang, Shengwei Zong, Frank Hagedorn. A global meta-analysis on freeze-thaw effects on soil carbon and phosphorus cycling. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 2021, 108283.
[7] Prevéy Janet*, Elmendorf Sarah, Bjorkman Anne, Ashton Isabel, Assmann Jakob, … Yue Yang. The tundra phenology database: More than two decades of tundra phenology responses to climate change. Arctic Science. 2021.
[8] Yongqing Luo*, Zhong Du*, Zhiqiang Yan, Xueyong Zhao, Yuqiang Li, Haibo Jiang, Yue Yang, Mai-He Li. Artemisia halodendron Litters Have Strong Negative Allelopathic Effects on Earlier Successional Plants in a Semi-Arid Sandy Dune Region in China. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2020, 11, 961.
[9] Risu Na, Haibo Du, Li Na, Yin Shan, Hong S. He, Zhengfang Wu*, Shengwei Zong, Yue Yang, Lirong Huang. Spatiotemporal changes in the Aeolian desertification of Hulunbuir Grassland and its driving factors in China during 1980–2015. Catena, 2019, 182, 104123.
[10] Haibo Du, Jie Liu, Mai-He Li, Ulf Büntgen, Yue Yang, Lei Wang, Zhengfang Wu*, Hong S. He*. Warming‐induced upward migration of the alpine treeline in the Changbai Mountains, northeast China. Global Change Biology, 2018, 24(3), 1256-1266.