周淑荣,女,教授,博士生导师,海南省杰出人才,海南大学生物多样性维持与生态修复创新团队负责人。2016年入选教育部新世纪优秀人才。主要从事群落生态学和理论生态学研究。通过理论建模、计算机模拟和野外实验等途迳,研究物种共存和多样性维持机制、生物多样性与生态系统功能。担任Journal of Ecology、Oikos、植物生态学报的副主编/编委。主持国家自然科学基金重点项目、面上项目等科研项目11项,以第一或通讯作者发表SCI收录论文50余篇。
联系方式:[email protected]
2000/09-2003/12 兰州大学生命科学学院 生态学专业 博士研究生
2020/08-至今 海南大学 教授 博导
2012/10-2020/07 复旦大学 教授 博导
2006/11-2007/10 牛津大学 合作研究
2003/12-2006/02 北京师范大学 博士后
1995/06-2012/09 兰州大学 讲师/副教授/教授
1. 基于生物多样性与生态系统功能的受损热带低地雨林的生态恢复机制,国家自然科学基金区域创新发展联合基金,U22A20449, 总经费254万元,2023/01-2026/12.
2. 结合生态位分化、中性过程和植物-病原真菌协同进化探索植物群落构建机制,国家自然科学基金重点项目,31830009,总经费282万元,2019/01-2023/12。
3. 南海诸岛生物多样性维持机制研究,海南省重点研发项目,ZDYF2022SHFZ320,总经费250万元,2022/09-2025/09。
4. 气候变化对生物多样性与病害之间关系的影响,国家自然科学基金面上项目,总经费64万元,2018/01-2021/12。
5. 基于群落构建机制研究生物多样性与疾病之间的关系,国家自然科学基金面上项目,总经费86万元,2015/01-2018/12。
6. 结合群落系统发育、功能性状的α和β多样性探索植物群落构建机制,教育部科学技术研究项目,总经费100万元,2014/01-2016/12。
7. 具有年龄结构的集合种群中若干进化问题研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目,总经费60万元,2012/01-2015/12。
8. 结合生态位分化和中性理论探索植物群落构建机制, 国家自然科学基金面上项目,总经费35万元,2010/01-2012/12。
9. 物种共存与群落中性理论,国家自然科学基金面上项目,总经费29万元,2007/01-2009/12。
10. 教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划,生物与基础医学(NCET-06-0907),总经费50万元,2006。
11. 局域种群的Allee效应与集合种群水平上的似Allee效应之间关系的研究,国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,总经费21万元,2004/01-2006/12。
1. Yimin Zhao, Xiang Liu, Jianbin Wang, Yu Nie, Mengjiao Huang, Li Zhang, Yao Xiao, Zhenhua Zhang, Shurong Zhou *. 2023. Fungal pathogens increase community temporal stability through species asynchrony regardless of nutrient fertilization. Ecology DOI: 10.1002/ECY.4166.
2. Yikang Cheng, Gemma Rutten, Xiang Liu, Miaojun Ma, Zhiping Song, Nadia I. Maaroufi, Shurong Zhou*. 2023. Host plant height explains the effect of nitrogen enrichment on arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal communities. New Phytologist 240: 399-411.
3. Yikang Cheng, Xiang Liu, Zhiping Song, Miaojun Ma, Shurong Zhou *, Eric Allan. 2023. Divergent trait responses to nitrogen addition in tall and short species. Journal of Ecology 111: 1443-1454.
4. Mengjiao Huang, Job de Vries, Shurong Zhou*, Yann Hautier. 2023. Aridity and soil fertility, not species richness, interact to affect temporal stability of primary productivity along a natural gradient in northern China. Oikos //doi.org/10.1111/oik.10086.
5. Weichen Hou, Yakov Kuzyakov, Yanwen Qi, Xiang Liu, Hui Zhang*, Shurong Zhou*. 2023. Functional traits of soil nematodes define their response to nitrogen fertilization. Functional Ecology. //doi.org/10.1111/1365-2435.14293.
6. Yikang Cheng, Xiang Liu, Yawen Lua, Fei Chena, Xianhui Zhoub, Zhiping Songa, Shurong Zhou, Shurong Zhou*. 2023. Long-term nitrogen fertilization alters phylogenetic structure of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal community in plant roots across fine spatial scales. Plant and Soil 483: 427–440.
7. Xiang Liu, Ingrid M. Parker, Gregory S. Gilbert, Yawen Lu, Yao Xiao Li Zhang, Mengjiao Huang, Yikang Cheng, Zhenhua Zhang, Shurong Zhou*. 2022. Coexistence is stabilized by conspecific negative density dependence via fungal pathogens more than oomycete pathogens. Ecology 103: e3841.
8. Li Zhang, Seraina Lisa Cappelli, Mengjiao Huang, Xiang Liu, Yao Xiao, Françoise Cardou, Yizhong Rong, Shurong Zhou*. 2022. Intraspecific trait variability mediates the effect of nitrogen addition and warming on aboveground productivity. Oikos. Doi: 10.1111/oik.09559.
9. Shiliang Chen, Xiang Liu, Qiang He, Shurong Zhou*. 2022. Higher-order interactions on disease transmission can reverse the dilution effect or weaken the amplification effect to unimodal pattern. Ecological Modelling 474: 110156.
10. Hui Zhang*, Shurong Zhou*. 2022. Why does overgrazing promote nitrifiers and denitrifiers abundance and the resultant soil N2O emissions? Land Degradation and Development, 10.1002/ldr.4337.
11. Xiang Liu, Yawen Lu, Mengjiao Huang, Shurong Zhou*. 2022. Host diversity positively affects the temporal stability of foliar fungal diseases in a Tibetan alpine meadow. Annals of Botany 130: 525–534.
12. Yawen Lu, Xiang Liu, Shurong Zhou*. 2022. Nitrogen addition altered the plant-arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi network through reducing redundant interactions in an alpine meadow. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 171: 108727.
13. Mengjiao Huang, Shaopeng Wang, Xiang Liu, Ming Nie, Shurong Zhou* and Yann Hautier. 2022. Intra- and interspecific variability of specific leaf area mitigate the reduction of community stability in response to warming and nitrogen addition. Oikos 9: e09207.
14. Li Zhang, Ming Ni, Tongbin Zhu, Xingliang Xu, Shurong Zhou*, Bill Shipley. 2022. Nitrogen addition in a Tibetan alpine meadow increases intraspecific variability in nitrogen uptake, leading to increased community-level nitrogen uptake. Ecosystems 25:172–183.
15. Li Zhang, Xiang Liu, Shurong Zhou*, Bill Shipley. 2021. Explaining variation in productivity requires intraspecific variability in plant height among communities. Journal of Plant Ecology. rtab096, //doi.org/10.1093/jpe/rtab096
16. Xiang Liu#, Pu Jia#, Marc W. Cadotte, Chen Zhu, Xingfeng Si, Yunquan Wang, Fei Chen, Jihua Wu, Shurong Zhou*. 2021. Host plant environmental filtering drives foliar fungal community assembly in symptomatic leaves. Oecologia 195: 737-749.
17. Yao Xiao, Xiang Liu, Li Zhang, Zhiping Song, Shurong Zhou*. 2021. The allometry of plant height explains species loss under nitrogen addition. Ecology Letters 24: 553-562.
18. Mengjiao Huang, Xiang Liu, Shurong Zhou*. 2020. Asynchrony among species and functional groups and temporal stability under perturbations: patterns and consequences. Journal of Ecology 108: 2038-2046.
19. Yawen Lu, Xiang Liu, Fei Chen, Shurong Zhou*. 2020. Shifts in plant community composition weaken the negative effect of nitrogen addition on community-level arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi colonization. Proceedings of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences. 287: 20200483.
20. Mengjiao Huang, Xiang Liu, Marc W. Cadotte*, Shurong Zhou*. 2020. Functional and phylogenetic diversity explain different components of diversity effects on biomass production. Oikos. 129:1185-1195.
21. Xiang Liu, Lifan Chen, Mu Liu, Graciela García-Guzmán, Gregory S. Gilbert, Shurong Zhou*. 2020. Dilution effect of plant diversity on infectious diseases: latitudinal trend and biological context dependence. Oikos 129:457–465. (Editor’s Choice).
22. Lifan Chen, Xiang Liu, Zechen Peng, Shurong Zhou*. 2020. Species distribution patterns and the scale of host interactions quantitatively but not qualitatively affect the diversity–disease relationship. Ecological Modelling 435: 109268.
23. Li Zhang, Tongbin Zhu, Xiang Liu, Ming Nie, Xingliang Xu, Shurong Zhou*. 2020. Limited inorganic N niche partitioning by nine alpine plant species after long-term nitrogen addition. Science of the Total Environment 718: 137270.
24. Xiang Liu, Yawen Lu, Zhenhua Zhang, Shurong Zhou*. 2019. Foliar fungal diseases respond differently to nitrogen and phosphorus additions in Tibetan alpine meadows. Ecological Research 35:162–169.
25. Fei Chen, Xiang Liu, Shurong Zhou*. 2019. Indirect effect of nitrogen enrichment modified invertebrate herbivory through altering plant community composition in an alpine meadow. Journal of Plant Ecology 12(4):693-702.
26. Xiang Liu, Zhiyuan Ma, Marc W. Cadotte, Fei Chen, Jin-Sheng He*, Shurong Zhou*. 2019. Warming affects foliar fungal diseases more than precipitation in a Tibetan alpine meadow. New Phytologist 221(3): 1574-1584.
27. Lifan Chen, Zheng Y.X. Huang, Shurong Zhou*. 2018. The Allee effect in hosts can weaken the dilution effect of host diversity on parasitoid infections. Ecological Modelling 382 :43-50.
28. Xiang Liu, Fei Chen, Shengman Lyu, Dexin Sun, Shurong Zhou*. 2018. Random species loss underestimates dilution effects of host diversity on foliar fungal diseases under fertilization. Ecology and Evolution Doi: 10.1002/ece3.3749.
29. Xiang Liu, Shengman Lyu, Denxin Sun Corey Bradshaw, Shurong Zhou*. 2017. Species decline under nitrogen fertilization increases community-level competence of fungal diseases. Proceedings of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences 284: 20162621.
30. Shengman Lyu, Xiang Liu, Patrick Venail, Shurong Zhou*. 2017. Functional dissimilarity, not phylogenetic relatedness, determines interspecific interactions among plants in the Tibetan alpine meadows. Oikos 126(3):381-388.
31. Xiang Liu, Shengman Lyu, Shurong Zhou*, Corey Bradshaw. 2016. Warming and fertilization alter the dilution effect of host diversity on disease severity. Ecology 97:1680-1689.
32. Lifan Chen, Shurong Zhou*. 2015. A combination of species evenness and functional diversity is the best predictor of disease risk in multi-host communities. The American Naturalist 186:755-765.
33. Shurong Zhou*, Zechen Peng ZC, Da-Yong Zhang*. 2015. Dispersal limitation favors more fecund species in the presence of fitness-equalizing demographic tradeoffs. The American Naturalist 185: 620-630.
34. Hui Zhang, Wei Qi, Robert John, Wenbin Wang, Feifan Song, Shurong Zhou*. 2015. Using functional trait diversity to evaluate the contribution of multiple ecological processes to community assembly during succession. Ecography 38: 1176-1186.
35. Jiajia Liu, Xinxin Zhang, Feifan Song, Shurong Zhou*, Marc Cadotte, Corey Bradshaw. 2015. Explaining maximum variation in productivity requires phylogenetic diversity and single functional traits. Ecology 96: 176-183.
36. Zechen Peng, Shurong Zhou*. 2014. Community assembly rules affect the diversity of expanding communities. Ecology and Evolution 4:4041-4052.
37. Hui Zhang, Benjamin Gilbert, Wenbin Wang, Junjie Liu, Shurong Zhou*. 2013. Grazer exclusion alters plant spatial organization at multiple scales, increasing diversity. Ecology and Evolution 3: 3604-3612.
38. Jiajia Liu, Deyan Wu, Xiaoyu Peng, Shurong Zhou*, Corey J. A. Bradshaw. 2013. Exogenous and endogenous determinants of spatial aggregation patterns in Tibetan Plateau meadow vegetation. Journal of Plant Ecology 6, 277-285.
39. Junfeng Tang, Shurong Zhou*. 2013. Hybrid niche-neutral models outperform an otherwise equivalent neutral model for fitting coral reef data. Journal of Theoretical Biology 317: 212-218.
40. Hui Zhang, Benjamin Gilbert, Xinxin Zhang, Shurong Zhou*. 2013. Community assembly along a successional gradient in sub-alpine meadows of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, China. Oikos 122: 952-960.
41. Hui Zhang, Robert John, Zechen Peng, Jianli Yuan, Chengjin Chu, Guozhen Du, Shurong Zhou*. 2012. The relationship between species richness and evenness in plant communities along a successional gradient: a study from sub-alpine meadows of the eastern Qinghai-Tibetan plateau, China. PLoS ONE 7(11): e49024. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0049024.
42. Zechen Peng, Shurong Zhou*, Dayong Zhang. 2012. Dispersal and recruitment limitation contribute differently to community assembly. Journal of Plant Ecology 5: 89-96.
43. Jiajia Liu, Shurong Zhou*.2011. Asymmetry in species regional dispersal ability and the neutral theory. PLoS ONE 6(8): e24128. doi:10.1371.
44. Xiaoguang Du, Shurong Zhou*, Rampal S. Etienne. 2011. Negative density dependence can offset the effect of species competitive asymmetry: A niche-based mechanism for neutral-like patterns. Journal of Theoretical Biology 278:127-134.
45. Junfeng Tang, Shurong Zhou*. 2011. The importance of niche differentiation for coexistence on large scales. Journal of Theoretical Biology 273:32-36.
46. Shurong Zhou*, Cuicui Zhou, John R. Pannell. 2010. Genetic load, inbreeding depression and heterosis in an age-structured metapopulation. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 23:2324-2332.
47. Shurong Zhou*, John R. Pannell. 2010. Inbreeding depression and genetic load at partially linked loci in a metapopulation. Genetics Research 92:127-140.
48. Shurong Zhou, Da-Yong Zhang. 2008. A nearly neutral model of biodiversity. Ecology 89(1):248-258.
49. Shurong Zhou, Da-Yong Zhang. 2006. Allee effects and the neutral theory of biodiversity. Functional Ecology 20: 509-513.
50. Shurong Zhou *, Wan-tong Li, Gang Wang. 2006. Persistence and global stability of positive periodic solutions of three species food chains with omnivory. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 324: 397–408.
51. Shurong Zhou , Gang Wang. 2006. One large, several medium or many small? Ecological Modelling 191: 513-520.
52. Shurong Zhou, Ya-Feng Liu, Gang Wang. 2005. The stability of prey-predator systems subject to the Allee effects. Theoretical Population Biology 67:23-31.
53. Shurong Zhou, Chang-zhong Liu, Gang Wang. 2004. The competitive dynamics of metapopulations subject to the Allee-like effect. Theoretical Population Biology 65: 29-37.
54. Shurong Zhou, Gang Wang. 2004. Allee-like effects in metapopulation dynamics. Mathematical Bioscience 189:103-113.